Please find below all press releases launched by the EXDCI project. This page will update this information whenever a new press release will be available.
Press releases
Wrap up of an inspiring EuroHPC Summit Week 2019
24 May 2019The EuroHPC Summit Week 2019 closed successfully and gathered the main HPC stakeholders from 13 May to 17 May 2019 in Poznań, Poland. The entire week was organised by PRACE, EXDCI-2 and ETP4HPC. PRACE’s Polish Member, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), hosted the EuroHPC Summit Week. More than 360 participants joined plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and discussions to tackle the important topics facing science, industry and the HPC landscape.
Press release in PDF
A packed plenary programme offered the attendees fascinating insights into scientific and industrial achievements. An... -
Nearly 350 HPC experts come together for European HPC Summit Week in Ljubljana
21 June 2018The event celebrated the start of EXDCI2, the continuation of the HPC ecosystem-building project. PRACEdays18 was the central event, with numerous additional sessions organized in parallel.
Press release in PDF
Launched in March 2018, the EXDCI2 project builds upon the success of the first phase of the project and will continue to coordinate the high-performance computing (HPC) ecosystem with additional funding of €2.4M. One of its first activities was to organize the European HPC Summit Week 2018 (EHPCSW18) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This was the third edition of the conference series and attracted nearly 350... -
EXDCI paves the way towards a common European HPC strategy
27 February 2018The European project titled European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative (EXDCI) presented its results after its three years of duration. Concluding in 2018, EXDCI has significantly contributed to the development and implementation of a common strategy for the European HPC ecosystem. The project outcome can be split into three major pillars: international collaboration, European strategic instruments, and the development of the European HPC ecosystem.
Press release in PDF
“EXDCI has clearly helped to reinforce an HPC ecosystem for Europe to be part of the future growth of the European science and economy. In... -
European HPC Summit Week 2017 in Barcelona to gather main HPC stakeholders in Europe
28 March 2017The European HPC ecosystem event: this second edition offers a wide variety of workshops covering a number of application areas where supercomputers are key, as well as HPC technologies and infrastructures
Press release in PDF
The European HPC Summit Week 2017 edition (EHPCSW17) will include even more HPC workshops than the 2016 edition, covering a range of application areas including renewable energies, oil & gas, biomedicine, big data, mathematics, climate modelling, computing applications, as well as HPC future technologies. This year’s edition will take place 15-19 May in Barcelona, Spain, and will be... -
Register now for European HPC Summit Week 2016
11 April 2016The European project European eXtreme Data & Computing Initiative (EXDCI) is organizing the first edition of the European HPC Summit Week which will take place from 9 to 12 May in Prague, Czech Republic. The four-day summit comprises a number of HPC events running concurrently: an EXDCI Workshop , PRACEdays16 , the workshop titled “EuroLab4HPC: Why is European HPC running on US hardware?” and the ETP4HPC Extreme-Scale Demonstrators Workshop as well as other private meetings organized during the week.
Press release in PDF
The event will kick off at midday on Monday 9 May with the EXDCI... -
EXDCI: towards a common HPC strategy in Europe
13 November 2015The recently launched project titled European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative (EXDCI) aims to coordinate the development and implementation of a common strategy for the European HPC ecosystem. Started in October 1st, this initiative is managed by PRACE and ETP4HPC. The idea of EXDCI is to gather in various activities such as events or workshops the different collaboration among the key players in the HPC ecosystem: the Centres of Excellence (CoEs) and the FETHPC projects. The next event hosted by EXDCI will be the European HPC Summit which will be held from 9...
Press release in English (PDF) -
ETP4HPC and PRACE join forces at EXDCI HPC Workshop in Rome
28 September 2015From 29th to 30th September 2015, the city of Rome will be the venue of a joint HPC workshop organised by the recently launched project titled European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative (EXDCI). For the first time PRACE, ETP4HPC, the Centres of Excellence (CoE) and the FETHPC projects come together in a single event, the aim of which is to understand the working of and create a basis for the co-ordination of the entire European HPC ecosystem.
ETP4HPC will hold its General Assembly in conjunction with the EXDCI HPC workshop. All Centres of Excellence (CoE) will present their...