The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking was created in 2018 by the European Commission associated with Member States and Associated Countries. The JU will permit to coordinate a collective effort and share resources with the objective of deploying in Europe a world-class supercomputing infrastructure and a competitive innovation ecosystem in supercomputing technologies, applications and skills.
The EuroHPC JU is the spearhead for Europe to acquire and provide top Petascale and pre-exascale supercomputing and data infrastructure, and will also support an ambitious and innovation agenda to develop and maintain in the EU a world-class HPC ecosystem
The EXDCI project joins forces with PRACE and ETP4HPC to organise the EuroHPC Summit Week (EHPCSW) which was held, for its 2019 edition in Poznań (Poland). The EuroHPC Summit Week is endorsed by the EuroHPC JU.
The EuroHPC Summit Week gathers the main European stakeholders of the HPC ecosystem, coming from the research or industrial sides. Building on the success of the PRACEdays (organised by the PRACE Implementation Phase Projects), the idea of a week dedicated to the European HPC ecosystem was first put in place in 2016 during the first edition of the EXDCI project and was hosted in Prague. The next editions were held in 2017 in Barcelona and in 2018 in Ljubljana.
Since its inception, the EHPCSW grew each year and is now a key event for every European stakeholder to access the latest information of European developments in HPC, as well as a privileged place to network and exchange.
Furthermore, PRACE and GÉANT support the EuroHPC JU in its development and functioning through the HPC-GIG Project.