Workshop ISC2016: European and International Activities in Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing (BDEC)

23 June 2016
09:00 to 18:00

Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt / Main
Hamburger Allee 2
60486 Frankfurt am Main

EXDCI is organising a three-quarter day workshop on Thursday June 23rd 2016, within the framework of the ISC’16 conference, entitled European and International Activities in Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing (BDEC). 

Over the past five years, the United States, the European Union and Japan have each moved aggressively to develop their own plans for achieving exascale computing by the 2020-2022 period. While these initiatives have focused on the well known challenges of exascale computing for hardware and software architectures, the concurrent emergence of “Big Data”  methodologies in a wide variety of scientific fields has disrupted the entire research landscape on which plans for exascale computing must play out. The recently announced NSCI (National Strategic Computing Initiative) by the White House is an exemplar of the needed convergence, but there is still work to be done. The workshop series on Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing (BDEC) is premised on the need to systematically map out the ways in which the major issues associated with Big Data intersect and interact with plans for achieving Exascale Computing. The goal is to help develop a plan for international cooperation and convergence in designing and developing the next generation of software infrastructure necessary to support both Big Data and Extreme Computing for scientific discovery. The new focus will thus be on “pathways to convergence”. EXDCI will also be in charge of organizing the BDEC Frankfurt 2016 event that will take place from 15-17th June 2016. This is a closed meeting. 

BDEC Workshop Agenda








Introduction (S. Girona)

BDEC overview (J. Dongarra, P. Beckman)

Country overviews:

  • United States
  • China
  • Japan
  • Europe
  • Singapore

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break






BDEC Breakout Reports and Discussion:

  • Introduction (R. Stevens)
  • Software (F. Bodin)
  • Architecture (P. Beckman)
  • Applications (M. Asch)
  • Operations (M. Malms)
  • Discussion and closing

Targeted audience

HPC software researchers and developers, Domain scientists, Infrastructure/Resource providers for HPC and data analysis, Vendors of HPC, Big Data, and cloud service technologies, HPC Policy advisors

Expected outcome

The workshop will contribute to the development of the “roadmap” and the “pathways to convergence” that the BDEC community is developing.

Workshop Organizers


Name: Sergi Girona
Company/Institution: Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain

Name: Mark Asch
Company/Institution: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France

Committee members

Name:  Jack Dongarra
Company/Institution: University of Tennessee, USA

Name: Pete Beckman
Company/Institution: Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Name: Terry Moore
Company/Institution: University of Tennessee, USA

Name: François Bodin
Company/Institution: University of Rennes, France