44th ORAP Forum

29 November 2019
09:15 to 17:30

This year's ORAP Forum will focus on how to compromise between perennity and performance toward the Exascale. On the forum webpage the description and objectives of the forum are the following:

Software and applications have a much longer lifespan than hardware technologies and supercomputers. The typical time window for a supercomputer is 6 years, while some applications are used over several decades both in fundamental research (climate models, fusion codes, …) and industry (meteo, aeronautics, car industry,…).

How can this mismatch be resolved ? Computational scientists want both to attain the best performance on high-end machines, while maintaining their well-tested and validated code bases over several architectural generations.  This issue is of particular importance with the foreseen revolution in hardware technology in the coming decade.

The Forum will discuss several ways to compromise between these two often conflicting goals.

The EXDCI-2 project will present its current work done on the legacy codes, but you don't want to miss presentation of the latest news on EuroHPC and the EU CoEs !