More HPC Job Vacancies

If you haven't found what you are looking for here on the EXDCI Job Portal, here are some other places where you can find job vacancies in HPC and related fields.

Seagate - worldwide job opportunities with the global leader in data storage solutions.

HiPEAC Jobs - HiPEAC is the European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation.  HiPEAC Jobs mainly advertises vacancies in Europe.  Follow @hipeacjobs on Twitter.

HPCWire Job Bank - This mainly features job vacancies in the USA, although some posts in Europe (and elsewhere) are advertised.

HPC University - Featured jobs are mainly, but not exclusively, in the USA.

ResearchGate - ResearchGate is a resource for academic and corporate researchers - this page focuses on research jobs both in academia and industry, in all fields of science, including computer science. 

Nature Jobs - Job vacancies in all fields of science, throughout the world.

LinkedIn - The link defaults to jobs in the USA, but the search field at the top of the page allows users to search for vacancies in any other country.  Country-specific pages also exist, eg:  (UK) (Spain) (France).

The following organisations, FETHPC projects and Centres of Excellence also post job vacancies from their own network of contacts:

Women in HPC - Jobs in HPC from employers who are keen to improve equality and diversity in the workplace.

BioExcel, the Centre of Excellence for Biomolecular Research - Jobs in bioinformatics, mainly in Europe.

EoCoE, the Energy-oriented Centre of Excellence in Computing Applications - Jobs in the HPC and energy fields, mainly in Europe.

MaX, the Materials design at Exascale Centre of Excellence - Jobs in computational materials science, mainly in Europe.

Computeroxy - Academic vacancies in Schools of Computer, Electrical, Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (worldwide)

Physicaloxy - Academic vacancies in Schools of Physical and Earth Sciences (worldwide)