FETHPC Results

In 2014, the European Commission funded 19 projects developing HPC technologies. These projects (called 'FET HPC 2014 projects') have produced a wealth of diverse results which constitute an important asset for the European HPC ecosystem. The EXDCI-2 project has compiled these outputs and organised them into the searchable database below. In case you search for a particular project, feel free to add the search function on the top right of this website. We hope it will allow these results to be reused, leading to synergies and collaborations between European (and overseas) players.

If you are interested in any of the results, please contact us indicating the output you are interested in and your motivation.

Demonstration of City traffic analytics using What-if analysis module based on macroscopic traffic modelling
Domain: Software
Subtype: Application
Targeted users: End user
Open Source: No
Demonstration of the Self-adaptive navigation system using interactive communication of Client-Side and Server-Side for testing real-time or simulated scenarios
Domain: Software
Subtype: Application
Targeted users: End user
Open Source: No
Demonstration of the use of HDF5 library to efficiently deal with parallel filesystem for 3D molecular structures
Domain: Software
Subtype: Application
Targeted users: End user
Open Source: Yes
Demonstration of the Geometrical Docking Prototype Application (GEODOCK) on Protein Target of Zika Virus
Domain: Software
Subtype: Application
Targeted users: End user
Open Source: No
