Through the joint action of PRACE and ETP4HPC, EXDCI-2 mobilises the European HPC stakeholders. The project builds upon the achievements of EXDCI and will continue its participation in the support of the European HPC Ecosystem. In this page please find a summary of all HPC related activities by target audience.
- PRACE Calls for Proposals
- EU participation in standards
- PRACE project access
- International HPC Summer School
- PRACE Training Events
- European Excellence in HPC Applications
- Future and Emerging Technologies projects in HPC
- Big Data and Extreme-scale Computing (BDEC)
- FENIX Research Infrastructure
- Eurolab4HPC Community
- Eurolab4HPC vision and HiPEAC vision
- HiPEAC Conference and Computing Systems Weeks
- White paper: Future HPC Technologies
- White paper: European HPC Technology Research Projects
- The Scientific Case for Computing in Europe 2018–2026
- Ecosystem recommendations
- PRACE Best Practice Guides
- PRACE White Papers
- The Technology stacks of HPC and Big Data Computing
- HiPEAC jobs portal